Monday, October 09, 2006

Here's the puppies and my torn up bathroom.


Blogger Robin L. Rotham said...

Jiminy Christmas! How in the hell did you get these pictures of my bathroom?! OMG, I thought the nighmare was behind me and I'd destroyed all the evidence, but this looks EXACTLY like my bathroom did ten years ago today -- right down to the toilet seat! I had a newborn (my first) who never slept and Mr. Robin and his handyman pounding and sawing and drilling until I wanted to scream.

I'll never forget my in-laws stopping by and my little 4yo niece running into the livingroom and proclaiming loudly, "Mommy, Aunt Robin has the dirtiest bathtub!" It was full of insulation, of course. :D

Crossing my fingers you don't have to live with that too long.

10:22 PM  

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